As part of our ATA carnet preparation services, we handle everything, from documentation to submission. Our team prides itself on understanding ATA Carnet processes to ensure compliance and accuracy in your carnet journey. See the full list of countries that accept ATA Carnets below.
Carnet Countries A-E
Azores (Portugal)
Bahrain, Kingdom of - Trade Fairs and Exhibitions only.
Balearic Islands (see Spain)
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Canada - Commercial Samples only. However, if you wish to have a Carnet for Professional Equipment category we will require a letter of indemnity on your company headed paper, accepting responsibility if the Carnet is refused.
Canary Islands – the Chamber is able to issue Carnets for companies based in the UK as well as Channel Island based companies if so requested (Carnets issued for Channel Islands companies must be validated by Channel Islands Customs before being used abroad).
China - All Carnets used in China must be registered on the Chinese customs database. For HAND CARRIED goods Carnet will need to be registered with CCPIT at the time of clearing Chinese Customs. For FREIGHTED goods Carnet will need to be pre-declared by the Chinese Customs Broker before goods arrive in China
Corsica (France)
Cote d'Ivoire
Czech Republic*
European Union - - If you are travelling anywhere other than France, then include two additional visits and transits into your itinerary (as some MS can insist on stamping the Carnet in addition to France). If your goods are passing through the EU en-route to a non-EU country (i.e. you're driving to a Trade Fair in Switzerland and pass through France), then you must include visits to both Countries + transits into the itinerary (i.e. 2 visits to EU, 2 transits to EU, 1 visit to Switzerland and 2 transits to Switzerland). Hauliers will need to ensure that you have the GVM and Kent Pass to enter the ferry port (Hauliers also must pre-notify EU Port of the arrival (i.e. PBN for Ireland, Portbase pre-notification for Netherlands etc).
Carnet Countries F-L
Faroe Islands (Denmark)
French Guiana
French Polynesia - Tahiti
Greenland (Denmark)
Guadeloupe (France)
Guernsey (United Kingdom)
Hong Kong
India - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions; display or demonstration before any department of the Central or State Government or a Union Territory Administration; meeting conference or congress organized by any company or organization; Professional Equipment. All Carnets entering and leaving India must be registered on FICCI’s electronic system (done at the time of clearing Indian Customs)
Indonesia - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Professional Equipment only at present
Isle of Man (United Kingdom)
Israel - We just received notification from the UK National ATA Carnet Organisation (UKNATACO) further to Circular 82 advising the extension of the Greater Facility for all foreign ATA Carnets that are currently in Israel. Foreign Carnets with expiry dates between 01 December 2023 and 31 December 2023 will be granted an extension to the final date for re-exportation.
Ivory Coast see Cote d'Ivoire
Jersey (United Kingdom)
Kazakhstan - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Professional Equipment only at present
Lebanon - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Professional Equipment only at present
Lesotho (SACU)
Liechtenstein (Admin by Switz.)
*Countries ending with an asterisk are part of the European Union (EU). If goods are properly imported into one EU carnet country and re-exported from a second EU carnet country, the Carnet holder is unlikely to encounter any claims fees. ATA Carnet Carnet Preparation Services
Carnet Countries M-R
Macao, China
Madeira (Portugal)
Mayotte (France)
Melilla (Spain)
Mexico - Mexican customs require a translation of the list of goods into Spanish. To facilitate importation holders must notify Mexican customs in advance through CANACO’s Website at
Miquelon (France)
Monaco (Admin by France)
Mongolia - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Professional Equipment only at present
Morocco Trade Fairs / Exhibitions only. However, we would accept a letter of indemnity on your company headed paper for other categories, accepting responsibility if the Carnet is refused
Namibia (SACU)
New Caledonia (France)
New Zealand
Pakistan - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Professional Equipment only at present
Puerto Rico (USA)
Qatar Trade Fairs / Exhibitions only (Box C of the Carnet should state name of the Exhibition and the venue)
Reunion Island (France)
Russia Box B of the Carnet should state passport number + date of issue of the person travelling with the Carnet. It is advisable that the General List is translated into Russian to facilitate Customs clearance into the country. Also customers are advised to engage a local Customs Broker who will facilitate the Custom Clearance process.
*Countries ending with an asterisk are part of the European Union (EU). If goods are properly imported into one EU carnet country and re-exported from a second EU carnet country, the Carnet holder is unlikely to encounter any claims fees. ATA Carnet Carnet Preparation Services
Carnet Countries S-Z
Spain - Carnets are compulsory in the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla
Singapore - maintains very strict controls over imports and exports. It regularly limits the validity period of all Carnets to six months. If more time is needed, the Carnet Holder should request an extension before the final date of re-exportation (see item #2 of the Importation Counterfoil). Extensions which are generally granted, should be obtained from Singapore customs at: Temporary Import Unit, Documentation Branch
Revenue House, 55 Newton Road #10-01
Singapore 307987
Tel: 6355.2000, Fax 6250.9606Slovakia*
South Africa
South Korea - customs typically restricts the entry of goods to six months. If more time is needed, the Carnet Holder should request such of South Korean Customs before the expiry of the final date of re-exportation.
Sri Lanka
St. Barthelemy (France)
St. Martin/Sint Maarten
St. Pierre (France)
Swaziland (SACU)
Tahiti (France)
Taiwan - requires a separate carnet called a CPD Taiwan carnet
Tasmania (Australia)
Tunisia - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Professional Equipment only at present
Turkey - Only named representatives listed in Box B. Represented by, on the importation and re-exportation vouchers will be allowed to sign the importation and re-exportation declarations in Boxes F. Turkish agent (or company / person that will be involved with the goods in Turkey) must be stated in Box B of the Carnet. It is advisable that the Holder carries a General List (in Excel format) on a USB drive as this may have to be uploaded into the Turkish Customs database.
United Arab Emirates - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions only
United Kingdom
United States - Commercial Samples and Professional Equipment only at present. As of January 26, 2010, goods entering the United States via ocean vessel are required to have an Importer Security Filing (ISF) filed by an ISF importer. While two of the required data elements are from the ocean carrier, 10 others are required from the ISF importer. ATA Carnets are exempt from the ISF bond requirement. However, there are penalties that may be imposed for breaches of the ISF filing. CBP link USCIB link
Vietnam - Trade Fairs / Exhibitions only
Wallis & Futuna (France)
*Countries ending with an asterisk are part of the European Union (EU). If goods are properly imported into one EU carnet country and re-exported from a second EU carnet country, the Carnet holder is unlikely to encounter any claims fees. ATA Carnet Carnet Preparation Services
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